Friday, June 14, 2013


day three,
man my mind is going 100 mph. i have been told that i am being taken advantage of by the person that i really care about. i don't feel like i am but i trust my mom and more things get seen from the outside. i know that i can be the girl that always gives to much and never get enough in return, but that is how i have always been. i care about him so much and i want to do everything that i can to help him in any way possible. how is it that i can be this confused? do i take my mothers word and do what she say or do i make my own decision and follow my heart. i know that i want him and i am willing to do whatever i can to keep it that way. when i am with him i am happy i am a whole new person. having him there holding  me and kissing me makes me feel like i can be myself. i just hope that ultimately i m making the right decision. ughhhh. i find that i allow myself to fall to hard to fast and end up hurt. i really hope that this time will be different. he seems like he is good for me. goofy, happy, energetic, outgoing and most importantly trustworthy. i just hope that i am making the right choice... well tell next time.
laters xoxoxoxoxo

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