Sunday, June 9, 2013

day two,
i guess.
well today i am happy. seems like lately my moods change more often. i get really upset fast or and just really happy. i have a huge headache but thats is nothing compared to the days i have been having. man seems like just yesterday i had no worries in the world. now everyday i have something more that i have to worry about. ugh. well on a note i am pleased to say that i finally got what i wanted for so long. him. it has been seven months worth fighting for. honestly it wasnt really hard for me to get what i wanted, i just spoke up and showed my affection and bam i got what i wanted. *smiles* hahaha. i makes myself more often then others do. well i can also say that that for once i am happy with the decision i made as well. but lets not get carried away, let the bitch come around and fists will fly. bahahahaha. there i go again. making myself laugh. i am way to funny. hmm. i cant seem to stop smiling. i hope i dont get to excited for nothing. ugh. its worth it right? idk time will tell. well i am enjoyin my wine now. tell next time.
toodles. xoxoxo

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