Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Ugh. Douche

How is it that in a relationship someone could care so less. I feel alone in this and I am over it. I gave up so much to be here with him and this is what I get. Disrespect. Ugh fuck this shit man. I hate him for this. He can do whatever the fuck he wants and I get nothing. I get yelled at for going to my mom's. Not like I'm out having fun. No I'm helping my mom clean and babysit. Ughhhhhhh. At 23 I never thought I would be in the dumbest relationship like this shit. I am so mad. And he's gona come home as if nothing ever happened and try n kiss me and say he loves. No nigga if yu loved me when I woke this morning I would have known where the fuck yu where. I am at the point where I want to leave him and never come back. I feel as if this relationship is pointless. ): fuck love yo.

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