Wednesday, November 27, 2013


I know that he is what my heart wants but my heart hurts. I just need space right now. I need to go and show him that I am the world to him. That I am what makes him happy. And if I'm not what makes him happy then okay. I understand. I can't force him to love me or care about me. But I do know that i put all my effort into it. I layed my heart out and hoped for the best. I know that things don't always work but damn if I don't try my hardest to find out. I hate this person that I have become when it comes to a relationship. I care to much and almost never get the same in return. ): I'm so angry and so upset all at the same time. Ugh. To top it all off, we had thanksgiving a day early and I bring food home for this fucker even tho I'm mad as hell at him it never seems to matter. I'm so over being treated like shit. I get a thank yu and a bunch of complaints on the food. Next time fuck yu and starve!

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