Monday, July 1, 2013

I sit and I think. I know that I cant make him do anything that he doesn't want to do but, a girl can wish right? idk what is more irritating, the fact that he knows and still does it or that I let it continue. ugh. this is so frustrating. I try so hard to make everyone around me happy and its like no one is happy and I am miserable. I always have a headache thinking about this. I am so tempted to tell my mom to just take him home but, I don't want to seem over barring. I mean is it over barring to be that way? is it wrong of me to want something so bad and just want it for myself? I ask these questions hoping that one day I will have an answer but that never happens. I just want to have a normal relationship. what is normal nowadays anyway? seems like normal is a male who does whatever he wants while the female just sits at home and worries. then we as females start fights because the male doesn't understand that what he is doing is wrong. in his eyes no matter what he does its okay. but if we as females even want to hang with a few girlfriends its such a big deal and they blow up our phones. is it genuine care or the subconscious telling that that we might be doing what they are doing? I know that not every male in a relationship acts this way but in most cases it is that way. and I just cant help but think that it isn't fair for the male to be okay hurting his women but it isn't okay foe the female to want to do something with being questioned the same way. myself, I have never been the type to cheat I anyway. if I am in a solid relationship I stick to it. 100% no cracks in between. but maybe that is just me.ughhhhhhhh. help?!?!?!?!????!?!
xoxoxoxox ash.

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