Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Fuck yu.

There comes a time in a relationship where everyone involved needs to take a step back and make sure they aren't in this for themselves. A relationship is about two people who care for each other and want to be with each other. Its not about yu and all yur friends. Sorry for asking yu to tell yur friends that I want us time. Sorry for wanting to spend time with just yu and maybe go to dinner or cuddle up and have a movie night. I don't think that it is to much to ask for. I have fought so hard to make this work that I am all out of fight. I am at the point where I don't care anymore. I don't want to be in this relationship where it is based solely off what yu want and not what we want as a couple. If yu can't take the time to work this out as a  couple then we have nothing. There nothing left to fight for. If I don't make yu happy and yur friends do then don't be with me be single and do what yu want. I don't want to keep fighting about the same thing when it makes no difference to yu. I am just over it. I was just fine when I moved here being single and not having a care in the world. Then yu came in and changed everything. I was okay it and I fell in love. Stupid me for thinking that yu actually cared about me. It's crazy that someone can come into yur life and change everything so quickly. Like as if nothing mattered to begin with. As if this was all just a fucking joke for yur enjoyment. I have feelings and I do care, but as of right now I don't care and it would seem as if yu don't care either. And that is fine. Go and do yur own thing with yur friends, get drunk Nd party it up because I quit. I'm done. Over it completely. Sorry for intruding on something that didn't want to be intrigued on.